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60th Class Reunion Pictures

Pictures from the 60th Class Reunion Round Up




The Big Red Bus Tour: Brenda Nance, Roseanne Murgie, Margie Pecora, Sue Simler, Unknown Person, Sherry Lawson, Tour Guide, Nancy Eklund, and Bill Michael (Sherry's husband) - This picture was taken by Richard Caugherty, Brenda's husband)


Leonard McMahon, his wife Laurel, and Lew Clark


Lew Clark, Gary  Springer (Veryl' husband) and Veryl Buff


Hans Brinke and his wife Jimmie


Bob Wildow and Hans Brinke


Mary Van Eman, Rich Cefola, and Tom Hawkins (Mary's husband)


Chuck Donabedian and his wife Cathleen


The Wonderful "Epics"


Don Stoner

Gary Springer (Veryl" husband), Veryl Buff and Walt Luniewski


Nick (our host), Don Stoner and Lew Clark