Pat Platt Griest (60), Stu Griest (55), Frank Mirenzi 60), and David Martin (60)
Class of 1961
Arnold Smith, Dan Hedeen, David Russell, Rich Cefola, Harriet Eppinger Martin Ellenberger, and Mort Stanfield
Jan (Sherman) Hyland (63), Tom Walters (62), Judy Tuminella Erdelyi (63), Helen McMahon Fielder (62), and Joe Tuminella (62)
Class of 1964
Bill McClinton, Bob Buchanan, Sandy (Jamerson) McClinton, Leonard Hromyak, Rich Ross, and Larry Quigley
Class of 65
Mike Waldron, John Ketterer, Bob Eisman, Sue (Quigley) Rutter, Wink Daniel
Gordon Platt (66) Linda (Eppinger) Stella (66), Bill Camp (66), Pat (Hopper) Daniel, Frank Amato (66)
Class of 67
Sandy Williams Pawlyk, Terry Griffin, Pati Burns Walmsley, Linda Skowronski Walters, and David Daniel
Class of 71
Ralph Platt, Cathy Agate Bremmer, Joyce Mirenzi and Bob Bremmer
Allen Whiteford(72), David Whiteford (74), Jeff Emigh (74), Micky (Hohman) Sowko (74), Paul Randor (73)
Patti Lindsey (79) and Randy Hromyak (88)
Denise Grainy Vocker (72), Charlotte V. Groff (79), and Gary Groff (77)
Joni Meyers Milligan (73)
Former Teachers: Wink Daniel, Craig Aston, and Joe Tumimella
Judy Tumninella Erdelyi and Bob Buchanan checking out the year books
Tom Walters and Helen McMahon Fielder, checking out the year books
Joe Tuminella, Craig Aston and Harriet Eppinger checking out the year books
A group preparing to order dinner
Another group preparing for dinner
And another group preparing for dinner
Mort Stanfield doing his usual, selling 50 -59 raffle tickets
Frank Amato, Linda Skowronski Walters, John Ketterer and Wink Daniel
Arnold Smith and his wife, Sandra
Bill McClinton with Larry Quigley
Bob Friend and his wife
Stu Griest (class of 55)
Two alums that attended Washington Elementary School in Universal- David Martin and Dan Hedeen
Jeff Emigh (74) and Pat Burns Walmsley (68)
Frank Amato, Tom Walters and Mickey Hohman Sowko
Allen Whiteford (72) and David Whiteford (74) with their wives
Rich Cefola and his wife, Dee, that attended Mt.Lebanon
Sandy Pawlyk and her husband, Nick
Father and son - Len Hromyak (64) and Randy Hromyak (88)
The next PHHS Florida Gathering will be:
Saturday, February 17, 2024
Mark your calendars NOW!