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Ten Sleep Reunion

On the weekend of July 22, 2016, twelve individuals descended on the "Double H Ranch" for a Ten Sleep Class of 61 Reunion.

The reunion was hosted by Bruce Weeter (61) and his wife, Georgia. 

In attendance were Mike Nemec (61) and Wlima (62), Bil Gaw (61) and Ginny Meyers Gaw, Morton Stanfield (61) and Judith, Phil Macioce (61) and Caroline Freiland, Mike Laus (61) and Janet Renschigai Laus (61) and Rebecca Stanfield McCown with her son Sean (Mort and Judith's daughter and grandson).

       The Double H Ranch has not been the same since the Reunion!


          Everyone (except Bill) on top of the Big Horn Mountains!

Left to right: Georgia, Ginny, Mort, Bruce, Caroline, Phil, Sean, Judith, Janet, Mike L., Mike N., Wilma and Rebecca.



Bruce showed everyone an old homestead on his ranch where an old car was left behind.


Needless to say, Bill and Mike Laus had to have their picture taken with a piece of the car!


Janet, Mort, Bill, Bruce, Mke L., and Phil pose for a picture.



Georgia and Caroline join the picture to enjoy the view from the ranch.


Georgia and Janet


Mike Laus


Phil taking in the view!


Mort arriving at the ranch.


Mike Nemec with his walking stick.


Mike N. and Mort have been together since first grade!


Bruce sitting and wondering why he invited everyone!


Georgia explaining to Bill and everyone else the activities that go on at the ranch.


Breasfast one morning at the Crazy Woman Cafe in Ten Sleep.


Daily gathering in Bruce's front yard.


Bruce, Phil and Mike L. talk old times.


First day gathering to plan activities.


An uninvited guest, a Bull snake, interrupted the meeting.


He seemed to be more interested in Sean's toys than anything else.


Bruce had enough and saddled up!


He headed to the top of the butte on his ranch! What a wonderful ranch and a great time by all!